Who is Angelo Affinita?

Childhood and Youth
Angelo Affinita was born in 1944 in Santa Maria a Vico (CE). He started working at a very young age in the family business, where he was involved in the production aspects of carpentry work.
His entrepreneurial spirit stood out right from the start. He innovated the family business by creating a workshop for the mass production of fixtures, which had previously been crafted solely in a traditional manner.
Furthermore, to give a voice to Southern entrepreneurs, Angelo first became part of the governing bodies of Confapi Caserta, and later joined the National Board of Unionmeccanica where he was elected vice president in September 2005.

Social Commitment
In addition to his work, Angelo is deeply committed to social causes. Together with his wife Dora, he promotes the Agape Onlus committee, which, over ten years of activity, has raised over 250,000 euros for the NGO “Casa do Menor”Together, they have built medical facilities, school buildings, homes, and raised funds to initiate professional activities to support the economic well-being of over 2,000 children and adolescents in the most challenging, violent, and abandoned areas of Brazil.

His Values
Angelo always takes the utmost care and attention to the development, promotion, and quality of life for people in the workplace. For him, the company's growth must go hand in hand with the personal and professional growth of employees; otherwise, there is no real growth.
An avant-garde concept of the company: he loves to repeat, 'The company is a social good, not a personal one.' In fact, he sees his role as an administrator as a service to benefit the collaborators and a land that often lacks employment.
Entrepreneurial success has not changed Angelo's lifestyle: he has always remained simple and straightforward. A good, authentic man, supportive of others..

It's the person who makes the difference
Losing a father is always painful, but the legacy left by my dad, Angelo, inspires every single day of my life.
It becomes a duty of mine and my family to honor his memory by sharing his example with other entrepreneurs and professionals.
My father used to say, 'It's the person who makes the difference.' Do we want to try, together, to make a difference?