Dal nulla all'infinito

Story of an Entrepreneur for Love

One morning in 1984, Rosanna is in her car.

She has just dropped her children off at school and is now on her way home with a very specific intention: to end her life. For her, this is the final act of an existence filled with pain and humiliation: a father who has always prevented her from taking flight, a husband who was imposed on her and whom she does not love, a home that has become a prison

As she drives, lost in thought, a battle rages within her. One voice tells her to stop, to resist, and another, on the contrary, urges her to end it all to eliminate the suffering. Without knowing how, she arrives in front of a convent and, driven by an unknown force, she gets out of the car and rings the doorbell.

She finds herself facing a friar with a long beard, a welcoming smile, and sparkling eyes. It is that encounter with Father Giacinto that saves her: Rosanna unburdens herself, he listens, and in the end, he says, 'Go back home and build your paradise.'

Those words change everything.

Indeed, in that convent, Rosanna experiences the love of God firsthand, and she starts living again. From despair, something new and wonderful is born, an impulse to help those who are lost find hope and faith.

In questo libro Rosanna De Lucia, presidente dell’azienda familiare ed eccellenza italiana SAPA, ha deciso di raccontare la propria storia di conversione, che si intreccia con una virtuosa vicenda imprenditoriale. Un esempio di come, facendo il bene per gli altri, possiamo davvero costruire il nostro paradiso.

Dal nulla all'infinito

Story of an Entrepreneur for Love

Author: Rosanna Dora De Lucia

Preface: Davide Banzato

Edited by: Roberto Allegri

Publishing House: PIEMME

Publication Date: 31 -10-23

Price: € 14,50
*Il ricavato della vendita del libro andrà a sostegno dei progetti della Fondazione Angelo Affinita ETS