Family Center

Airola, Cervino, Santa Maria a Vico (2020 – on going)

The project

The Family Center is a place for listening, welcoming, qualified responses, and follow-up for all families in the area involved in the Food Bank program, referred by the local network, or those who have directly approached the Foundation with a request for assistance.

Our desks

All our desks are free and offer psychological, legal, economic, medical-specialist, and educational services.

Comprehensive family support not only resolves existing issues but also prevents their emergence through training and educational meetings.

Food Bank

In collaboration with Banco Alimentare Campania Onlus, the Angelo Affinita Foundation has joined the European campaign to distribute essential goods to people and families in a state of extreme poverty.

The products come from Banco Alimentare, donors, and private food companies. With their donation, a new value is given to each individual food item.


  • Identify early situations of parental/educational vulnerability to prevent the emergence of potential issues.
  • Protect the dignity of the human being in its entirety by offering them a specific path based on their needs.
  • Discover and enhance the development of hidden talents.
  • Assist the family unit in achieving its own balance.


  • 25 people at the psychological support desk.
  • 320 children and young people at the educational support desk.
  • 15 people at the legal support desk.
  • 212 at the medical-specialist support desk.
  • 10 training sessions.
  • 705 families supported by the food bank.

Contribute with a Donation

Thanks to your contribution, we will fund concrete projects to promote the education and employment of many disadvantaged children and young people. The future starts with us!