Ciak si gira!
Frosinone (2019– on going)
The project
The project involves the implementation of an educational program in visual arts, cinematography, and communication at the Nuovi Orizzonti community in Cittadella Cielo, Frosinone. It is dedicated to young people aged 11 to 17 who are at high risk of dropping out of school and facing educational poverty.
To support the project, a television studio and a training room have been set up. The studio is used for educational, training, and professional development programs aimed at acquiring skills in new communication technologies, filmmaking, directing, screenwriting, and editing.
The families of the young participants are also involved in a training program called "Parents on Set," which addresses topics such as educational challenges posed by new media, school dropout, and the development of positive parenting.
The educational program developed on two parallel tracks, one for the children and the other for the parents, aims to create a continuous link between school and family/family and school, guiding them in a process of re-education and reintegration into regular school life.
At the end of these initial four years of activity, the project has initiated a virtuous path of job placement for the trained young people and economic self-sustainability through the production of commissioned TV and film formats.
- Counteract educational poverty
- Compensate for the lack of educational and cultural services
- Provide new and modern youth gathering spaces
- 46 students trained
- 2,374 hours of workshops
- 12 professionals involved
- 1 TV studio created
- 1 editing room set up with 3 workstations
Ciak, si gira!
Il progetto coinvolge 30 giovani dagli 11 ai 17 anni a forte rischio abbandono scolastico e in condizioni di povertà educativa.
Abbiamo creato per loro percorsi educativi e formativi e professionalizzanti, mirati all’acquisizione di competenze in materia di nuove tecnologie di comunicazione, filmografia, regia, sceneggiatura e montaggio con l’obiettivo finale della “messa in onda” di un format televisivo ideato da loro stessi.
- Durata del progetto: 4 anni
- Where? Frosinone
- Partner: Nuovi Orizzonti
What we have accomplished thanks to your contribution
- riduzione significativa del tasso di dispersione scolastica e povertà educativa sul territorio di Frosinone;
- acquisizione di competenze tecnico professionalizzanti;
- inserimento lavorativo per l’80% dei giovani formati